Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Well everyone, Happy Belated Christmass!!! Haha.... Well, ive not blogged in awhile and a lot has been going on since. Too much to put down everything that has happened, so I'll just put in the highlights. First of all, the biggest highlight, is that I got diarhoea yesterday. No, seriously! What a bummer. Was in pain the whole day. Didn't even eat the whole day. Well, I don't think you guys want me to go into the specific details of diarhoea, so moving on..... Well, on the 26th, I went to church to celebrate my group's feastday, which is St. Stevens Day. Not bad, played human monopoly which was really interesting and fun. I actually enjoyed an event organised by Lucas, or rather I should say, I actually saw Lucas organise an event. He is supposed to be the event coordinator of the group, but so far, plus this one, he has only organised 2 events out of the whole year. Well, since it was organised last minute, it didnt go 100% right, but it was at least 90% right. He didnt even get prizes which was the real bummer. Then went on to my cousins place. Was not bad. Got to watch some EPL, hear the people there sing and play the guitar, and then play "The Animal Game". One day I'll teach you guys how to play it, if you ask me nice, hehe.... But each time we lose, we had to down a shot of Gin. Nasty!!! In a few days time, going to my Godparents place, then to my auntie's place. Then doing a church marathon for new years. Going for an archdiocese alterserver thingy on the eve, then back to my parish at 11pm, then back there at 7am, then the next day, back there at 7am again. Wow! Now you guys know why I don't blog often nowadays. Well, seeing how I've spoilt your eyes from all these highlights, I'd better sign off. Till next time, Compliments of the Season!!!

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