Saturday, October 16, 2004

Near the End!

I learnt this from Indra, and I'm trying it out cos it looks cool! :P

Well folks, this week has been busy busy busy! IAD practical is over, so is MOBC, so is NWI, so is my Negotiation Skills role play and so is my NAFA test. Negotiation Skills went fine. Better than expected. I think we kicked ass! NAFA test went great for me. Got a bronze which was my aim. Got 3 personnal bests. 2.4km did in 12.40. Pull-ups I actually did 3. And Standing Broad Jump jumped at 220, which was great! Considering that I messed that up 3 times and had to jump 4 times to finally get it right. Have yet to thank my coach for giving me the training techniques necessary to improve myself. This week has been filled with laughs and great eye candy. The short skirt girl has once again been sighted last friday and there were distractions during NAFA. WoW! Keep those distractions coming! Indra did something to Ngiaps shoe. You have to ask him yourself. It was funny and disgusting at the same time. Than at Burger King, Indra was so mad happy, he lifted his cup up to Cheers, and than wanted to yamseng, only to spill his fries all over his lap. Then at Isetan, 'helped' Ngiap choose fruits by announsing loudly what to buy to help him shit better. Indra, Indra...... By the way, got to thank him and Ngiap for their help in the various projects we had. Without them, passing this semester would be much much harder. Thanks dudes! Hope we can keep in touch after school. Hope to keep in touch with Wayne as well. A great buddy! Got Negotiation Skills test next week wednesday and FYP presentation next week tuesday. Than, the final exams. Wow! It'll be a thrilling last ride. Hope it doesnt end too soon.

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