Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Whoever Wins, I Lose!

Yo! Anyone knows how to add pictures to blogs with the current format? Anyway, today I came up with this perception:- That Indra is Like an Alien, cause he is merciless and does things on just instinct. That Nqiap is like a Predator, cause he is smart and deadly with his remarks. And im like the ordinary human. Whoever wins, I lose! Haha! Which reminds me, despite the bad remarks Ive heard from my forum about AVP, I still cant wait to see it. Today, Mr. Chew, my IAD teacher, talked about how he accidently killed a bird by giving it kiwi juice. Only a teacher like him can come up with such a story. Then later, I remembered my dads story about how he killed a bird by feeding it nestum. Haha! Its a small world! Well folks, Thats all i have to say for today. But dont be dissapointed. I'll be back with another story which will play no significant part in your life! Haha! Ciao! (:

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