Friday, December 28, 2007
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Ministers Whose Pay is High
(to the tune of ‘Angels We Have Heard on High’)
Ministers whose pay is high
We still kena pay and pay
Even though we’re all pok kai
Kan ni na bu chao chee bay
Po-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ok kai leow
Why should we all pay them
Po-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ok kai leow
Why should we all pa-a-ay them
Ministers who sit above
See us all as waste of space
They want us to get out of
Their elite uncaring face
They want us to work till death
And claim it’s ne-cessary
They delay our CPF
While they raise their salary
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Woohoo! December is here everyone! Time for the happy level to go up a notch and for the much awaited celebrations to begin. From the 1st of december, the month kicks off for me with the family birthday celebrations. From uncle, to mom, then me, and then unto my aunt, all in a row.
For my birthday, I just had a small celebration at home with family members. As if seeing them so many times wasn't enough, but there is always a special joy in that. Wel, now that is over, I have 2 friends whose birthdays fall on the 8th. Following that, I can celebrate my new job this coming Monday on the 10th. Then on the 16th, my cousin Sarah is having her wedding celebrations. So now, have to get ready for that extra celebration on the calendar which is coming up in just a weeks time. Then my brothers birthday is up on the 21st, and of course, following that is Christmass and the New Years celebrations.
By the way, I've been celebrating so hard, I've recently poisoned myself with Redbull overdose. Unintentionally of course. So take it from me, that warning label on the side that says recommended intake is not more than 4 cans a day, they weren't kidding. I had to be the clown to test this sort of thing. But I survived it, and that is not gonna stop me from partying! Just no more Redbull from now on. Whoever is reading this, do not, I repeat, DO NOT... offer me any Redbull from now on!
So people, I'm gonna end my post here, and continue to p-a-r-t-y! Let's enjoy the festive celebrations. C'mon Ynnib Nai! What words of wisdom do you have for us this time?!
Ynnib Nai: "They say that guns don't kill people, people kill people. But I think the guns help."
Sunday, November 18, 2007
New Begining
"Follow your dreams, except for that one where you're naked at work."
Friday, November 09, 2007
Happy Deepavali/Birthday
So the SAW series of torture/horror films is still going strong, even though the story is more or less the same each time. So here are some suggestions for THREE-LETTER SINGAPOREAN HORROR FILMS (and their tag lines)...
1. TAX: On April 15, it’s time to pay…
2. LAN: Just what is turning our teenaged boys into mindless zombies?
3. GST: Just when you thought it was safe to go into the mall again…
4. ERP: It’s here… to drive you mad.
5. CPF: There’s nothing inside… or is there?
6. SAF: On Tekong, no one can hear you scream…
7. MRT: Do you dare enter… the tunnel?
8. SBS: Take a slow ride… to hell.
9. SIA: What happens when… there are snakes on the world’s biggest plane?
10. MOE: It’s time someone taught all of you a lesson.
11. GEP: Get out of their elite, uncaring faces… before it’s too late.
12. PCK the Horror Movie: The mole… it’s ALIVE!
13. SPH: What if everything you’ve been told is a lie?
14. PAP: You.. will… pay… and pay… and pay… and pay…
15. LEE: The horror that just won’t die
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Dad's 50th Birthday

Last Saturday was my Dad's 50th Birthday celebrations. I must say that it was pretty good. Had helium ballons with the number 50 on them, good food, great Tiramisu birthday cake, and decorations proclaiming his 50th year on planet Earth. My bro and I bought the gifts. My bro bought a belt and tie, and I bought a jigsaw puzzle, which we used markers to write a message on. Had the frame for it, but we voted that it would be fun for him to piece together the jigsaw for himself, and see the message unfurl. So we broke it up and presented it to him like so. Overall, a great party!
I really need to find a new job. Badly. I never had a real sense of job satisfaction here. 1st it was too much work. Now, amazingly enough, I'm actually complaining that it is boring. I guess, all along, I was never really into it in the 1st place. My immediate superior last week felt demoralised, as they changed his confirmation details. So he left the rest of us to do as we please. And another 2 of my colleagues are also demoralised as they had their confirmation details changed also. They want to leave and infront of my immediate superior, were searching for jobs. My immediate superior then proceeded to search for jobs for himself as well. That's the story of my working life. I feel like I'm in some office comedy.
So good pals of mine, if you know of any jobs involving sports or the outdoors that are available, please proceed to let me know. You can message the details in my chat box. So a short post from me today. As usual, I leave you with words of ultimate brilliance from Ynnib Nai-
"A fool and his money can throw one hell of a party."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween!!! Boo!
Well my curious well mannered friends, I will answer all these unimportant questions and more! I will ask another question- What to get my dad for his coming 50th birthday? Suggestions? It is on Nov 3rd Saturday, and I am scratching my head so hard on this, that I can see my brain cells in my fingernails. Hey it's Halloween soon, get used to it. This is gonna be one long ass story.
So yeah, I did go for the SIA interview, but unfortunately, I didn't get in. I will tell you in detail what happened, step by step, on my fruitless journey to try to fly.
Well, I reached there at about 9.15am, but I wanted to go earlier. My friend told me he was going to arrive late so that was that. In the end, he arrived at 10am. So off we went, in formal wear and tie. It was held at The Stamford Swissotel, and the queue stretched off as far as the eye can see. It was madness. Like Singpore Idol, there were hundreds of applicants. That was just the start of my journey.
Well, in the end, we were grouped in 10s, according to gender, for the 1st interview. We were then herded into a room where we sat in a circle on chairs facing each other and 2 interviewers. So then, we were told to just introduce ourselves, and say something about ourselves and hobbies. So after hearing everyones 'inspiring' and 'exciting' stories, we all went outside where after some time, the results were revealed. Only 3 were selected. And I was one of them! Apparently, my speech was good enough, and so the 3 of us were taken to another waiting area. My friend though didnt make it, and off he went to the job fair at suntec, to seek out other alternatives. I was then expecting a one-on-one interview, as I heard that is the next step from friends who has been through such 'auditions', but low and behold, the system was changed. Next, I had to do a 'catwalk' audition.
My height and weight was taken, and I was told to stand in a corner, and walk towards the interviewer, turn left, then right, then put out my hands macarena style, palms down, then palms up. After which I was asked if I had any facial regime, to which I replied that I used facial wash, and gave some lame story about eating heaty food, to which we both laughed together, and she put me through to the next round. I was then told to have my lunch and come back 1 and a half hours later. When I came back, I heard there was not going to be any more swimming test. All interviews will be done on the day itself, and I will know at the end of the day if I am going to be a proud cabin crew member of SIA. So in I went for my one-on-one interview, and after answering some gruelling questions, I was told to read a passage, and I couldn't help but remember my oral exams during those stressful school days. After that, the interviewer told me that she will put me through to the last round, and not to be so nervous. I shook her hands in gratitude like I won an Oscar, and bolted out of the room. I was then told to take another 1 hour break.
When I came back from my break, it was 4pm + already, and I had to wait for another 1 hour for the last interview with management. It was nerve wrecking! The chair was miles away from where the 2 grumpy looking old interviewing ladies were sitting, like the American Idol final audition by the judges, and both shot me with questions non stop. After which, I proceeded to embarass myself by going to the wrong exit, and they had to direct me to the proper one. It was then that I realised I may have screwed myself. So after that, I waited outside for the results.
The receptionist, after some time, went in to see the interviewers, then proceeded to come out and tell me that I didn't get in, and that I should try again next time.
Well, it was a fun filled experience, that ended about 6pm and left me drained. It was like I just been through BMT and survived everything they can throw at me till the end. Anyway, that's the story of the SIA interview. If you have read every word, you must really be very bored with nothing to do. Hahahaha...! Ei, don't forget to give me suggestions on my dad's birthday prezzie, and I will finally leave you with words from wise Ynnib Nai-
Expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the expected
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Should I?
Ello good people! If you're actually taking time to read my blog, you must be a damn good friend of mine. Haha! Either that, or you are plotting someting against me......... Anywho, a good friend asked me to update my blog, so by popular demand, I shall.
You know, for a short period of time, I was actually starting to like my job. I seemed to be getting a hang of it and I am finally confirmed and out of my probation period. I just have to attend a medical next week. The company seems to be finally hiring people my age who I can get along with, and I am now working at Clementi for the time being to help set up the new branch, which is closer to home.
Then this week, reality came crashing down. Confirmation means more work and less appreciation. I am strugling to work at the Clementi branch cos certain people don't want to travel all the way down to Clementi for an interview. And the project team which I want to be a part of, might not happen at all. My senior, who is supposed to head the project team, seems to be job hunting and demoralised as well. So I have started sending out my resume.
A former colleague asked if I wanted to join her company since there was an opening. I said yes and sent my resume. Apparently, it was rejected. She told me that her boss thinks my English is not good based on what I wrote in my resume. ???!!!! And my former colleague is from China, with English so bad that it takes awhile to figure out what she is saying. And she got hired! WTH?! Now that is embarasing! Maybe her boss version of good English is actually bad English? Was it opposite day, the day I sent my resume? Fish sticks!!
Anyway, 20th October 2007, Saturday, there is going to be an interview session for those wanting to join as cabin crew for SIA. So the question is, should I go? That is the big question now. Some have said go for the experience. Some say go, cos it pays well and I will get to travel at the same time. While there are those who say there is no future in that, and that I shouldn't waste my time. So what is your view? I'm holding a vote. Do reply and let me know you're opinion. Really wondering if I should go next week Saturday. Be honest, even if you think I shouldn't go cos I don't stand a chance. Leave your name afterwards so that I can hunt you down! Just kidding. But seriously, be honest and let me know!
Well, I will leave at that. I couldn't contact Ynnib Nai about his opinion on this, but the last time he spoke to me, he did leave me with these wise words-
"When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane and going the wrong way!"
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Chris Daughtry

Won a pair of tickets to watch Chris Daughtry live in Singapore. I was estatic. I totally forgot he was coming even. I joined Samsung Fun Club and took part in the contest. Then last Tuesday, I got a call while at work- "Are you Ian Michael Binny, Samsung Fun Club member?" "Yes." was my reply. "You've won a pair of tickets to watch Chris Daughty live." "Alright! Yeah!" "Ok, ya, just come down to St. James Powerstation to collect your tickets." His reply totally brought my excitement about it down a bit. But after the call, I was glad that I won a pair of tickets to watch my favourite American Idol artiste. I don't even own a Samsung phone! Haha....
The day came and I was shocked to see a hellava long queue. There were hundreds of people there. I was thinking to myself, "How can everyone fit into this place? Is it that big?" I was right. I was one of the last few allowed in, and there was still a long queue stretching around the building. My guess is that the rest didnt get in. And most were winners like me. St. James was grossly overbooked and overcrowded. I brought Jasmine along who couldn't see a thing, and was squashed against the wall for the most part. I enjoyed the music but was dissapointed at the lack of planning by the organisers. It was too badly planned. I had to apologise to Jasmine for the lack of everything. After all that, she still offered me a Chris Daughtry poster signed by the band, which was given by her friend. Thanks Jas! Really appreciate it.
Other than that, I was not feeling so well on Friday. Started with a sore throat on Thursday, and feeling down, then went on to running nose on Friday, and still feeling down, but I seem to have recovered today, Saturday. Thank goodness I didn't get fever. I really used all my strength to show that I feel fine while I was sick. Don't want to bring others down while I'm sick. Though I really had to cancel on the Friday outing with my colleagues. Sorry guys. But I really needed the rest. There's actually other things that I want to write on my blog, but I'm worried that it will be read. Tsk... Too bad people. But I guess if you are close to me, you will know sooner or later. So till then, I'll end my post here. Haha.... Don't be sad, I'll still leave you with wise sayings from Ynnib Nai-
Don't be irreplaceable; if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Anime figurine protesters meet real police
Fri Sep 7, 2007 12:35PM BST
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A protest action by a group of Singaporeans with Japanese anime figurines such as the 5-inch tall Ultramen, robots and monsters with placards met some real-life police in the city-state.
A handful of fans of Japanese anime had turned up at a Singapore public park on August 25 with armfuls of the toys to protest against a clampdown on Internet downloading of anime material by Singapore animation distributor Odex.
The incident was not reported in the local press, but pictures and accounts have started circulating on many blogs and political Web sites. (
"The police didn't stop us from what we wanted to do. But their being there was enough to intimidate," the event's organiser -- who only wanted to be known by his online moniker Zer0 -- told Reuters by telephone.
He added that police -- who had four anti-riot vans at the scene -- also took down the anime fans' particulars and that they were filmed by plainclothes policemen. A police spokeswoman said she could not immediately comment.
Public protests are rare in Singapore, where outdoor demonstrations are banned and any public gathering of more than four people requires a permit.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
So far I've watched two movies. Rush Hour 3 was funny and I think was a great way to spend National Day Eve. Watched it with my colleagues. At least my office now has more colleagues who are young and about my age, so that I don't feel out of place among 'old' people. Haha.... I know it's bad to say, but really! When I first joined, I was the youngest, and everyone else was talking about making shit loads of money. That's all dandy and all, but that was the only topic being talked about again and again. It's boring! At least now there are colleagues who talk about things my generation talk about. Like enjoying the simple things in life. So now, my workplace has a bit more younger feel to it.
The other movie was The Bourne Ultimatum. I must say that I have not watched the first 2 movies, but the exciting fight scenes in the trailers made me wana watch it. Was supposed to go Roller Blading actually, but it was raining, and so there was no choice but to choose another activity. So, seeing how I was looking forward to the movie, it was a good trade off. Plus I finally got a namecard holder and the latest issue of Amazing while on the way to the movie. So it turned out swell in the end. I really needed a new namecard holder, as my wallet looks unprofessional when I take out the namecards from it infront of clients. Plus the holder will ensure that my namecard doesnt get 'disfigured' in the wallet. I've also had a craving for candy floss, so I bought some which cost just $1.50 for a big plastic container of it, so I thought it was more worth it compared to the other snacks. Bourne Ultimatum really had a good storyline and the fight scenes didn't disappoint. Plus the ending was 'surprisingly good'. I would recommend to watch it, even if you had missed out the first two parts like I did.
After which, I went to have some middle eastern food for dinner somewhere at beach road. Can't remember the exact location. It was good! Too bad I can't remember exactly where it is, so now can't go there again, haha.... Overall, a good night for me. However, my friend commented that the feeling wasn't mutual. Well, what to do. I guess I'm just more easily pleased. Some people I guess expect too much. Well, that's all i have to write today. Really had the urge to post today. Goodness knows why. So pointless. Well anyway, as usual, I leave you with wise quotes from Ynnib Nai-
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Well, another update. Blogging is just amazing. You have to wonder, do people give a shit on what I'm writing? Do I give a shit on what I write? And do I give a shit on weather people give a shit on what I'm writing? Questions upon questions.
Anyway, the past week or so, I've been doing things like ice skating. It has been a long while since I've done that. Rollerblading brought up the interest of trying out skating again. And I must say I was dissapointed. The place had gotten smaller. And of course, being the only ice skating place in Singapore, it was a rip off. You pay a lot to rent the blades that weren't sharpened or in the best condition. You pay for socks and gloves at prices that would make the ice melt. And all you do after paying all that money, is skate round and round the rink for an hour or so. The only good difference is that during that hour, they would make snow fall, which makes people like me who are easily pleased, excited like a dog. But the skating part was fun and I enjoyed myself. Just unhappy that the place got smaller and that it blew a hole in my wallet like the hole in the ozone layer.
I've also got a chance to watch The Simpsons Movie. For those who are fans of the cartoon, I urge you to go watch it. Then again, if you are fans, you don't really need my urging you to watch it. It was great and funny. Was surprised that there were so called gay scenes and that Homer showed everyone the middle finger. Wonder how all the parents are going to explain those scenes to their children. It was of course funny and hilarious. A truely good movie indeed. I can't wait to watch Rush Hour 3 and the new Batman movie- The Dark Knight. On my list of movies to watch this year.
I'm getting bored of my job. I don't think it is for me. It does not play to my strengths or interest. And I think this company is taking me for a ride. On Wednesday and Thursday, I've been waking up at 4am to reach the airport at 5.30am to bring the new workers to work. Then after that, I go office, then at 5.30pm I leave the office to reach the airport by 6.30pm to bring another batch of workers to work. In the end, I reach home by 10pm. I don't mind doing all this at all. But what I do mind, is the HR telling me that I can take a day off after what I did. Then when I go to the Assistant Manager(AM), to apply, she says it is not company policy to give a day off. What the hell is going on? Then, a senior worker comes to me saying I will be transfering to his team, and that I will be doing more of what I did with the Changi Airport workers when I'm in his team. I told him that transport wise, the 2 days of going there cost me nearly $200, with all the midnight charges, ERP charges, Airport charges and what not. So I tell him, my pay has to go up then. If not and I start doing this for 1 month, soon I'll be broke. He says that he will fight for me to get my salary up. He then comes back to me with 'good news'. Aparently, my pay will go up after my probation. My probation period is 6months by the way. He thinks I'm stupid or what? Even if I did not go to his team, there will be a salary review at the end of my probation period and I do expect my salary to go up then. The staff in this company is very nice, but then there is something seriously wrong with the management. But then again, isn't it common that people complain about management. Oh well, will stay for now and slowly see how things go. Let's see how long I can do this dance.
Well for now, that's the end of my story. I leave you with wise words from a wise person, Ynnib Nai-
“Don't be so intent on finding the pot of gold that you forget to look at the rainbow.”
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Transformers, Birthdays, Blading!
Last Sunday I went Rollerblading at East Coast with my good friend Jamaliah. She has never Rollerbladed before, so I had to try to teach her to Rollerblade. Only problem is that it's been years since I've rollerbladed, which I revealed to her only after I've rented the blades, to her horror. So as I'm trying to teach her, I'm trying to recall and give myself a quick crash course, so that I don't crash myself and make her panic more. In the end, it all went well. I've never had so much fun rollerblading before. And she was learning pretty fast, even trying to speed skate back to the rental shop at the end. I was very impressed. Can't wait to blade again. And lately I've been tasked to teach people certain things. Teach Jamaliah rollerblading, and teach the new office people how to do certain office functions. It has really reminded me of my passion for teaching. I really miss it. Was teaching combat in the army, and it was there that I realised I like teaching. Hopefully, in the future, I'll be doing something along that line on a more regular basis.
Yesterday, Tuesday, went to Rice Table for Jasmine's belated Birthday dinner. Saw my poly classmate Aisya after a long absense. Now 5 months pregnant. Someone my age is already 5 months pregnant. Wow. People like that makes me realise I'm gowing older, haha... Ate like a pig. Then, this morning, felt like a sick pig. Was feelin bad. The headache was the worse part. And today had to be the day when the phone was the bussiest, ringing away like mad. Wanted to fling it out the window. Feeling a bit better now.
Speaking of Birthdays, my sis will be celebrating her 21st birthday this weekend. Haven't goten her a gift yet, don't know when I'll have the time to buy it, and worse, still don't know what to buy. Ideas people? I've got roughly 2 more days to get it. Well, anyway, that's it for updating my life story for the week. Highly useless information for you to know. Glad you still decided to waste your time reading it, haha.... Ynnib Nai has been found out by yet another person wondering who he is. And he has these wise words to leave us with-
“Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice Doggie!" till you can find a stick.”
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Fathers' Day!
Hi all! So you guys tried my test below yet? Those who haven't, just click on the link, in my previous blog entry. You might learn something. Well I've watched Pirates recently with Jasmine, after meeting up with long ago friend, Wei Zhien, who came down from Malaysia. I found Part 3 better than Part 2. But Part 1 will always be the best. I really enjoyed hanging out with Jasmine. Was fun and had loads to talk about. So when is the next time Jas? Hehe....
Anyways, for those who still don't know, I have just started a new job last week as a recruitment officer for a recruitment agency. So I basically help companies find workers. I have to conduct interviews, read resumes, refer people to companies, etc. It's something similar to working under Human Resource I guess. Initially, I thought it would be something exciting. Going out here and there to meet people and etc, but, it looks like I would be spending a lot of time in the office doing paperwork. Not my cup of tea, but then again, it has only been one week. I might be doing more exciting things in the next couple of weeks... Hopefully. My initial plan was to work for a minimum of two years, to gain the experience, and then hopefully, move on to something better. Don't know if I would be able to stick to this job for that long though. Like I said, it has only been one week, and I would have to play it by ear and see how thing go for the next few weeks.
It is also hard, as only me, and one indian are the only non chinese in the company. So communication is difficult. There are some china workers also. So, for them, colleaques are talking in Chinese often. Since I don't have a clue about recruitment, it makes communication that bit harder as well. I'm also the youngest in the company right now. So I feel that there's a generation gap thing going on, haha... Anyway, the paycheck is a motivation. Plus there's a commission if I can find someone suitable to sign under the company I'm helping. I'm under probation, so I don't get any benefits for 6 months, and I need to hit a certain sales target within that period, to get out of probation. Well, all I can say to myself is, 'Welcome to the workforce!'. Hopefully, I'll get used to it. Some have said that the first 3 months can be the hardest. So I'm taking that into consideration as well.
Well, I'd better head to bed and get ready for a brand new day of work. The weekends are now that much sweeter. Those working, surely understand where I'm coming from right? So good night folks! Sleep tight and wish me all the best!
“I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called 'brightness,' but it doesn't work.” -Ynnib Nai
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Soft Drink Company to Run PAP’s Next GE Campaign

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I woke up this morning, and low and behold, Liverpool won Chelsea on penalties to advance to the finals of the European Champions League! Woohoo! Liverpool won 1-0 courtesy of Daniel Agger, who was spotted by Steven Gerard during a spot kick. Chelsea defenders, who were concentrating on marking Kuyt and Crouch, didn't notice the defender who slotted the ball in the back of the net. Sweet! But because Chelsea won the 1st leg 1-0 as well, it was not enough. And so, Pepe Reina, Liverpools goalkeeper,came to the rescue during the penalty shootout,saving 2 penalties to help Liverpool through to the finals, where they will meet either Man U or AC Milan. To tell the truth, I hope it's AC Milan because I just don't want Man U to have a chance to even smell the trophy. I mean, c'mon! Man U is more or less already going to win the League. And they also have the FA cup to fight for against Chelsea. I think that's enough trophies. Well anyway, we will all know tomorrow which other team is in the final. So till then, I'll leave you with wise words from Ynnib Nai-
“I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.”
Monday, April 16, 2007

Found this article at Haha.... Other rejected names are-
- Newater Sorbet
- Mee Siam With Hum
- Xia Xue’s Xue Gao
- Minister’s High Calorie Salary
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Pics from Aussieland

~My Darling Cousin Rachel, ~Me and Chris , ~Me at docklands (Look at the yauchts!)

~At Healsville Animal Sanctuary,~At Max Brenon, ~City View

~To the Airport! ~Along the Roads ~At Healsville again
Digitally, that's basically what I have of photos. If you want to see some really nice photos of my trip, you've got to meet up with me, cos these photos doesn't do the Australia trip justice! Really had a great time. A special Big Thank You to my cousin, who ensured I enjoyed myself to the fullest over there, planning all the trips. I hope she's reading this eventhough I have like thanked her a million times already for all she's done, including letting me have an awesome accommodation there ;) Well folks, hope to meet up with you guys soon, to hang out and all. TIll then, that's the end of my entry. Cheers mate!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Schoolgirls find 'no C in Ribena'
Instead, the pair found the syrup-based drink made by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) contained almost no trace of vitamin C, and one commercial orange juice brand contained almost four times more.
GSK had paid little attention to the claims of Devathasan and Suo until their complaints reached the New Zealand's consumer watchdog Commerce Commission.
But appearing in an Auckland court on 15 charges of breaching the New Zealand's Fair Trading Act, GSK pleaded guilty and admitted its ads may have left consumers with a wrong impression of the health benefits of Ribena.
The judge fined the company a total NZ$227,500 ($163,700) for misleading advertising.
The Commerce Commission said GSK's behavior was a "massive" breach of trust with the New Zealand public.
"As a multinational company specializing in pharmaceuticals and health products, they should have had robust testing and quality assurance systems in place to ensure its product was delivering what it promised," Commission chair Paula Rebstock said in a statement.
GSK told the court it had not deliberately set out to mislead consumers, and the fault lay with its testing methods.
"The fact that some of our products had incorrect labeling is to us, unacceptable, and we sincerely regret any confusion caused to customers who feel they may have been misled," GSK said in a statement.
The court also ordered the company to place advertisements in major metropolitan New Zealand newspapers to correct its mistakes.
Ribena, first made in the 1930s and distributed to British children during World War Two, is now sold in 22 countries.
Take that lovers of that sick drink! Lol! I did not make this story up and it's in todays 'Straits Times' and todays 'Today' for those who would want to read more. According to those newspapers, Singapore is testing the drink right now and I guess we'll be hearing about it on 'News 5 tonight' soon. And you wonder why you got sick so often even after drinking loads of Ribena.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hi to all! I'm very excited today because next friday, 30th of March, I'll be going to Australia! I'll be going to Melbourne. I can't wait because-
- It is my first time travelling to anywhere outside of South-East Asia
- It is my first time travelling on a plane (so freaking awesome!)
- It is my first time going to Australia (which actually goes back to point number 1)
I'll be going there for holiday, and to visit my cousin. Shouldn't be worse than my Batam trip. You guys heard about that one? Well if you haven't, you shouldn't. Wasn't a very good trip. Only thing noteworthy of that trip was the nice 2 hr aromatheraphy massage I got for just $24. Other than that, two days one night there and I did nothing but watch tv in the hotel while my friends 'enjoyed themselves'. Supposed to go to the beach according to my friends plan, but in the end, didn't even get to look at it. Was a very wasted trip. Wel, at least now I get to go to Melbourne and experience what Australia is all about. So my friends, I wish you guys Au Revoir, and I'll definitly blog about the trip when I get back on April 10, if it is a good trip. Haha... Well, I expect it to be a good trip, and till then, always look on the bright side guys. You heard me Jas? You're last blog entry was a very stressfull one. Hope you're doing ok. Thats what the wise Ynnib Nai told me. I leave you with this example he gave me-
Friday, March 09, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Happy Valentines/Chinese New Year!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!!!

Hello everyone! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! That photo was taken during my christmas party at my house. Those are my poly friends Wayne and Jasmine, and we took this photo outside of the house. I'm really looking forward to the New Year. I believe I've spent 2006 well in terms of learning new things in the army, from my Close Combat instructor duties, and geting closer and spending more time with certain poly friends. Towards the end of 2006, Indra seems to be disappearing, but with that came the emergence of Sandy, which begged me to ask myself, 'Why didnt I ask her along before?' Everyone, including myself, took it for granted that if asked out, Sandy would not be bothered. But when I just decided to try, she said 'yes' straightaway without even a hesitation. So that was cool. Of course, Wayne is always reliable when it comes to outings. Then there's Jasmine. I'm not sure what to say about Jasmine. It's all good of course. I just do not see a bad thing about her. Fun, cool, patient(she really is), kind, caring, understanding, etc, the list goes on. Some people have told me about certain things happening in their lives. Or even troubling them. When people open out to me, I feel lucky I have a friend who does not feel afraid and trust me enough to tell me their personal stuff. That they feel I'll understand. I really appreciate that they feel all that. Of course, I'll try to help out if I can. But sometimes I know they just want someone to listen. So it turns out that I've actually gotten a lot closer to certain friends in 2006. Now in 2007, I'm looking forward to that year even more! Why?! Because I'm going to ORD! Get my pink IC! Am going to be a senior instructor in the army for my remaining weeks there that means. All new adventures! I'll be moving out of my house at the end of January to Cashew Heights Condo at Cashew Road. Somewhere at Bukit Timah. Far! Anyone want to help me move? Haha! Transport wise it's gonna suck! It will just be temporary till my parents find a new place. Our house is sold, so we got to go. My uncle is letting us use his condo appartment for awhile. He just moved out of there. At least can use the pool and gym facilities there. And can use air-con when its hot. For those who have never been to my place in Bishan, just to let you knw, whole house- no air-con. Its was good in December cause it was cold so no problem. Some nights were so cold I didnt even have to use the fan. Talk about saving electricity. Hope to have more outings before I ORD *Hint!*. 2 people have just found out who the wise Ynnib Nai is. For those who have not yet, don't worry, I'll still leave his words of wisdom at the end of my post Hehe... So ready or not, here comes 2007! and Ynnib Nai-
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.