Thursday, February 07, 2008

Code Red Initiated

Wishing one and all a very Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Year of the Rat!

Well folks, it's the year of the Rat. I was born in 1984, so it's is considered as my year, together with other Year of the Rat born people. In the Zodiac, the rat is the 1st animal in the zodiac, and according to the story, won the zodiac animal race by being creative, smart, sneaky, and ingenious. Supposed to describe other Year of the Rat born people. Hey, it is up to you to believe in such 'horrorscopes'.
Anyway, what a way to start the Chinese New Year- by having Code Red (which I mentioned in my previous post) initiated.
Suddenly my dad initiated it. But I didn't need to SMS anyone for SOS help as it was agreed that we head on down to my aunts place to live. My mom is however living at her friends place, as there is not enough room. As it is, there are no cupboards for us to use, and everything is kept in our bags as there is no where else to keep anything. But we have a roof and a bed, so I guess there's nothing to complain about.
And we now have access to cable, so other than space problems, it's not that bad. Have been living there since Monday. How things change very suddenly.
So yeah, been working during the Chinese New Year week, during the night shift- 11pm to 8am. I do get 2 days off-in-lieu, so not that bad, especially since I don't celebrate Chinese New Year.
Very exciting start to the year indeed. Well, I'll sign off here, and leave you guys with some honourable mentions from Ynnib Nai-
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance."

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