Well, last week, I finally recieved my diploma in Information Communication Technology from Singapore Polytechnic. Got to see my poly mates once again like Janice, Fizah, Indra, Nqiap, Asri, etc. It was great as I got to book out from camp. Training has been physically tough. 8am to 5.30pm all out training all the way with only the lunch break to save us and give us that bit of rest. They do have 5 minute breaks now and then but that aint enough, though of course I would take it as its better than nothing. I've been posted to the east side to train the commandos, 3rd guards and an infantry unit. Its freaking far from my place. We were all promised that we will be posted to a place near our home, but in the end, the army being what it is, shocked us by spreading all my batch mates to places far from home. It will take me about one an a half hours to reach those camps from my place. Plus I must be there at 7.30am, meaning I must wake up at some unearthly hour and leave my place when everyone is just waking up. Cramp.... Anyway, I've watched the V for Vendetta trailer and its actually pretty good. Its stars Natalie Portman and is taken from DC's Vertigo Comics. It's pretty good and you can view the trailer here. Well I got to go. But as usual, I'll leave you with the good ol sayings of Ynnib Nai-
We wonder why the dogs always drink out of our toilets, but look at it from their point of view: Why do humans keep peeing into their water bowls?
Thank you!
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Well done!
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