If anyone did care that I did not wish April fools, here is your wish. And also I wish one and all a Good Friday, and in advance, a Happy Easter. I'm sure no one cares about an April Fools wish, but strangely, I still go ahead with it. It's not like a public holiday. In fact, it seems more like Tylers day. My close combat buddies will know who and what I am talking about.
Anyway, if you are wondering if I am going to be talking about someone named Joshua, I am actually not going to. So why title my post as such you ask? Well, I realised that every year, I have the usual cliche titles for my blog. For instance, around the begining of the year, it would read- Happy New Year, or around CNY, it would read- Happy Year of the... etc. Something most blogs would also have I guess. So I have decided to try something different. I will title my posts according to the books in the bible. So, the next book in order, is titled 'Joshua'. And I have nothing to write about anyone named Joshua, or even rhymes with 'Joshua' (I bet you are now thinking what rhymes with Joshua huh). So I will just proceed to blog about, what else- my mundane life. Yeah I know, I'm a strange guy.
What have I been doing recently? Well, I recently went cycling at Ubin, and visited Chek Jawa while I was there. I have been to Ubin a couple of times before, but up to this point, I have yet to have travelled to Chek Jawa. And it was my first time riding on one of those double seater bicycles. Why? Cos apparently, one of my colleagues does not know how to ride a bike. Yes, I went there with some of my colleagues. It was not a company trip. Some of my cool office buddies decided to go there for the fun of it, and so I went along. It rained, but we still managed to cover the whole length of the island. Bike rental being at $8 a whole day, we might as well make the best of it.
I read the New Paper today. Apparently, the reporter did an 'investigation' and 'found' the Geylang Serai market with cockroaches and rats. I can tell you right now how many coffeeshops and hawker centres are filled with cockroaches. Almost all! And I don't have to do any investigation. It has been like this for some time now. They make it seem so shocking, but cmon, who didn't know this? I see rats at Lau Pa Sat, an eating place that is apparently meant for tourists to come and eat at, to try and experience our food culture. The reporter than asks if people must die for us to change our mindset. You know what the sad answer is? The answer is a sad YES! You know what makes me even more sad? Once this incident blows over, people will get complacent again. The sad truth. The only thing that can fix this is for the government to step in and to make checks and punish those that do not keep to the proper hygene standards. If not, coffeeshops and hawker centres will continue with the same unhygenic ways even afer this incident.
Look at the SARS incident. Everyone was scared to come to the office and spread the flu virus. Now? People come to work with the flu, sneezing and coughing all over the place, probably thinking that they should do so cos it is 'only the flu'. So what if your germs spread right? So what if people around you catch it? Some even think they might score points with the boss, showing up sneezing around, showing that they still came to office sick to do work. Showing how hard working they are. How about showing how kind and considerate you are to others health and stay home?
Some may disagree with my statements, but hey, I pride my blog being an open place for discussion, so go ahead and disagree.
Well, tomorrow I have an Easter party to attend to at home. Will catch up with you guys another time. Anyway, here is a short poem about Easter-
"Little Easter, the comedienne bunny,
Tried too hard at being funny.
She juggled and she dropped the eggs,
They fell and smashed between her legs.
Poor Easter left the stage in shame
And thought that she might change her name.
But then that bunny read this ad,
"This Sunday we need help real bad."
So Easter Bunny kept her name
And through the years has gained much fame,
When Easter's Sunday comes each year.
She delivers eggs and we all cheer."