Sunday, May 29, 2005

European Champions!

Liverpool has won the Champions League! Champions of Europe for 2005! Wow! From 3-0 down, came back to equalise, and then Jerzy Dudek saves 3 Shevchenko shots! One from a penalty which he had to score to keep Milan in. WOw! And to top it off, 9 more days to P.O.P! Woohoo!!!! Next week will be really hectic. IPPT test, S.O.C, Passing Out Parade rehersals, games day, recruits night, etc. Last Friday I had Basic Assault Course (B.A.C). Had to backcrawl in mud and shit. Well cant wait for 7th of June! Walk on! Walk on! With hope, in your hearts. And you'll, never, walk, alone. YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE! Walk on!

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