Nothing is fool-proof to a talented fool. =)
Friday, December 09, 2005
7sec = 2 Weeks
Nothing is fool-proof to a talented fool. =)
Saturday, December 03, 2005
My 21st!!!

WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Its my 21st Birthday today folks and I feel on a high! My uncle's birthday was on the 1st, my mom's was on the 2nd which was yesterday, and mine? Its Today!!! Wooohoooo!!! Feels good for some strange reason. Haha! Later I'll be having me party at Trader's Hotel at 7pm at Cafebiz@The Piazza. Paying $40 per head, so please don't drop by uninvited unless you don't mind paying yourself, hehe... Those uninvited, sorry, but I could only bring along a few people and deciding who were the few was mind shattering! Like to thank my parents for organising such an expensive party. Don't know how many people you had to rob, cheat and steal from to organise this so thank you and thank you for loving me all these years. Like to thank family members and friends, especially Indra. He of all people, is the only friend wanting to continue keeping in touch with me by organising outings with me at such a regular basis, besides my church friends of course. Went out to watch 'Doom' which was quite an ok show. I give it a 7/10. That among other movies as well. It's pretty cool. Thanks bro! Well quite a few people will be there. Family, relatives, loved ones, friends, Nearly 50 people altogether. Expensive sia. By the way, did you guys know there are no malay commandoes? Found that out just recently. And that no malays are allowed to enter Hendon camp? I heard about it from a friend. Strange. If it's true, no wonder that there are people who don't trust malays. If the government doesn't trust them to be in certain 'high' positions in the army, it's no surprise that there are people in Singapore who dont trust malays. Well anyway, I see I have sidetracked. I'll end my post here. Ynnib Nai can't leave you with his usual wise sayings today as he too is out celebrating and partying today. Sorry guys. But he'll return in the next post I can assure you that, with more "how the hell did he know that" sayings. So till next time, Enjoy! =D